
A team of experienced staff from Beaucroft School work to support staff in mainstream schools with an aim to increase that school’s capacity to meet the needs of individual students with SEN. We have 3 outreach caseworkers specializing in Early Years/Juniors, ASD and Middle/Secondary.

Beaucroft Outreach Team has supported 37 mainstream students in 2018/19 including opportunities for mainstream staff to visit Beaucroft and see strategies and approaches in practice.  Beaucroft School deliver the majority of the Dorset Outreach Casework (35 out of 68 cases).

As from April 2015 the coordination of outreach across Dorset has been taken over by TADSS, who work in partnership with the Local Authority.  If a school is interested in receiving support the first step is to contact TADSS (email or telephone).  All schools across the County should by now have a leaflet outlining the process. Please refer to the TADSS website for further information.