Accessibility statement

Beaucroft Foundation School Accessibility Notice

The Beaucroft Foundation School website has been designed to be as accessible as possible while still visually interesting. To do this we have included a variety of features which are summarised below. Click read through the information below regarding the particular accessibility issues.

  • Images and Alt tags
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Coding Standards
  • Consistent Navigation
  • Let us know how we can help

Images and Alt Tags

Beaucroft Foundation School have avoided using excessive graphics within the web site where possible to ensure quick download times and access to information which cannot be read when in image format.

Where images have been used we have added ‘Alt’ tags – text alternatives so that you can still see what the image is meant to convey even if it doesn’t load or if you have chosen to browse with the images switched off or you are using something like a screen reader to read the web page rather than view.


Browser Compatibility

  • Browser support: this site has been optimised for users of HTML5-compliant browsers, including Internet Explorer version 9 and later. The site supports basic rendering for older browsers.
  • Mobile devices: PDA / mobile phone access is supported.
  • Text resizing and screen reader: text resizing is supported
  • Printing: a print-specific version of web pages will automatically be generated when using the latest browsers.


Coding Standards

We have ensured our site conforms to W3C standards for xhtml and css. Adhering to these standards should make our site accessible across browsers which adhere to the same standards, and should make our pages more accessible to those using screen readers and similar devices.


Consistent Navigation

Throughout the site we have tried to keep the navigation consistent. Certain pages are available from every single page on the website. All image links have text alternatives. If you have any comments about the navigation on the site please contact us here.  Additional navigation links may be provided on long pages with a large amount of content.


Let us know how we can help

If you use assistive technology, handheld devices or standard web browsers and find that the format of any material on our websites interferes with your ability to access information, please contact and we will do our best to resolve the problem or provide the information in an alternative format.