We wrote a song!

A piece by Performing Arts Students at Beaucroft College AKA BCDC (Beaucroft College Dynamite Crew!)
This is the first year that Beaucroft College have embarked on a Performing Arts Award journey. This journey is all about us, what we want to learn and how we want to share our skills, talents and interests. We discovered that as a group, we all loved music so we decided that we wanted to learn how to write and produce a song of our own using all our different skills. First we had a meeting to decide what we wanted get out of our sessions and we decided unanimously that we wanted to build our confidence, so we wrote a song about that! Through the project we have learnt how to write lyrics and how to understand rhythm by using our bodies through dance, body percussion and playing instruments. We have learnt how to use our voices, and how we can be heard in positive and creative ways. We composed our song and then took it to Matt Black at Hangover Hill Studios in Wimborne to record our work professionally. There we learnt all about mixing and record producing and working as a team. We have had the best fun and these are some of things we felt about our project – ‘magic happened’, ‘I was able to sing solo and in a group’, ‘Its all been amazing’, ‘I loved doing my solos and singing with my friends’, ‘Matt put an echo on my popcorn body percussion sound, it was great’.
Watch this space! Very soon our song, ‘CONFIDENCE’, will be released! First it will be played on several radio stations including Wimborne Radio station, Black on Track and Wired with Ben Bennett before being released on CD, and Bandcamp ( a streaming platform that will allow us to raise money from downloads). Next we are going to be working with a graphic designer to design our group logo and CD cover, and we will be releasing our song for sale later in the year, hoping to raise money for more exciting creative arts projects at Beaucroft.