It is our vision for every student to engage, enjoy and achieve, developing self-esteem and resilience
in preparation for adulthood. Our aims and values for our Beaucroft community are to be:
Thoughtful and Caring Happy and Safe Resilient Independent Valued Empowered.
The core purpose of assessment in our school is to support and plan for the holistic development of
the students in our care.
Our starting point is the development of curriculum models within our school that meet the specific
needs of our pupils, whilst ensuring that they have their entitled access to the National Curriculum
wherever possible.
Any assessment models that we use will reflect the progress within the curriculum that we offer, and
will enable us to plan for both the individual pupil and to improve the quality of teaching and
learning experience for all of our pupils.
To achieve excellence in assessment we subscribe to the following principles:
- Assessment will address holistic development and change including Independence,
- Communication, Social and Emotional, Sensory and Physical and Cognition including subject specific learning.
- Assessment will recognise that different groups of students have different trajectories in development, according to their needs.
- Assessment will provide a baseline from which to measure progress and data to track progress along planned pathways.
- Assessment will lead to appropriate accreditation for our pupils and enable them to develop skills to go into the wider community and prepare for the next phase of learning and training.
- Assessment will be informed by the voice of the parents, carers and pupils who are key participants in planning for holistic outcomes.
- We welcome the principles embodied in the Education, Health and Care plans of linking short-step targets to longer term planned outcomes.
- We welcome the opportunity for multi-agency and therapeutic inputs as part of our target setting and assessment practice.
- Reflection is at the heart of our assessment practice. Assessment will enable us to follow the progress of each pupil closely and to judge when interventions are required, or where adaptations or modifications are required in the teaching and learning experienced by the pupil.
- Moderation within our school is an essential tool to ensure rigour of assessment and continuous growth and challenge in our assessment practice.
Beaucroft School caters for a wide range of pupils in terms of needs, ability and learning styles and
assessments or measurements of progress and attainment reflect this diversity.
We see assessment as a powerful tool in understanding our pupils better and thereby being able to
focus and monitor teaching, learning and interventions that our pupils need more effectively which
ultimately improves performance and raises standards.
Assessment is a continuous process and, although an important responsibility of the teacher, is
carried out by all informed professionals e.g. Teaching assistants through the recording completed in
each pupils ‘Learning and Progress Files’.
Most day to day assessments are based on frequent and informal tasks, observations and questions
which prompt pupils to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills.
For more information about Assessment at Beaucroft, please see the Assessment Policy.
Learn more about our assessment and data in this presentation: Beaucroft Foundation School Data Presentation.