Notification of medical conditions
- It must be remembered that the prime responsibility for a child’s / young person’s health rests with the parents or carers.
- On admission to school and at the beginning of every new school year, all parents/carers are asked to provide medical information.
- Where possible, prescribed or non-prescribed medicines should be administered by parents outside of the school day. If this is not possible, parents should talk to school staff and also make requests to administer medicines in writing by completing the Beaucroft Parental Agreement for the School to Administer Medication form and the Medication details form (both of which can be found in the links below).
- All parents/carers of pupils who are known to be receiving medication in school are re-sent the medical information form at the beginning of each new year to update information (or as needed on new diagnosis or change of condition or medication). If you need additional forms for updates please download and print the form from this site or contact the school office for a copy to be sent home.
- Where administration of medicines is necessary, procedures will be followed as detailed in our policy. See the Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy.
Handling of Medication
- Parents/carer are asked to deliver medicines to school in the original container(s) and ensuring that the medicine is not out of date and that it has been stored correctly.
- All medicines must be marked with the following information clearly indicated: the child’s name on the medicine; when the medicine should be given;
the prescribed dose and pharmacist’s instruction, e.g. after meals. - Children must not bring in their medication – it must be delivered by an adult in a sealed bag/packet or envelope, clearly marked with the child’s name and class.
- Parents must notify the school immediately (in writing on the appropriate permission form) of any changes or alteration to a prescription requiring adjustment to be made to any previous arrangement about medicines for their child / young person.
Medical Information Forms