Emma has created another great video to get you inspired – this time it’s pupils from Seahorses class gardening!
Paula has created this great science project you can try at home – ‘How to make a grass caterpillar!‘
Emma has created a fab video to show you what has been growing in her pond!
Iain and Ella have created some great science experiment which you can try!
Science at Home
Paula Preece has created some fun science activities you can try at home, using regular household items.
Why don’t you try this Skittles Science experiment with Iain and Ella!
Jaz has been planting some flower seeds at home 🙂
Jaz has created a cinnamon germ experiment you can try at home!
Laura has created a great set of instructions to show how she has been planting sunflower seeds with her daughter
Planting sunflower seeds
We ordered some sunflower seeds from our local garden centre and planted them at home.
What we used:
- Bag of Compost
- Sunflower seeds
- Plant pots
The steps we took to plant our seeds…
- Fill each pot with compost.
- Make a 1.5 cm deep hole in the centre of the compost, with your index finger.
- Drop 1 seed into each hole and cover the seeds with compost.
- Water each pot and leave them in a sunny window.
- Move the pots outside to a sunny (wind sheltered) space once they start to shoot. You may want to use some canes/sticks to support your flowers as they grow taller.
Remember to water your seeds regularly to help them grow tall and strong!