Beaucroft Foundation School Pupil Premium Policy

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011. It is money which is additional to main school funding.

Why did the Government introduce the Pupil Premium?


  • address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantages reaches the pupils,
  • improve the progress and attainment of Looked After Children,
  • support the additional emotional and social wellbeing of children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.

How is the Pupil Premium allocated?

It is allocated to:

  • children from low income families who are currently know to be eligible for FSM or have been at any point in the last six years. (The funding allocated is based on the October 2020 school census figures for pupils registered as eligible for FSM in reception to Year 11),
  • children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months,
  • children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.

How can schools spend the pupil premium?

It is for schools to decide how the pupil premium is spent.

At Beaucroft the funding will be used to pay for:-

  • Enhanced group time e.g. Literacy, numeracy, self esteem groups.
  • Electronic aids to support communication and access to the curriculum e.g. iPads.
  • Additional teaching assistant time e.g. to support access to the curriculum, to narrow the gap between a pupil and their peers, to encourage interaction, to enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
  • Residential visits
  • Extended Services; after school and holiday clubs, Parental Support and Advice, Early Bird.
  • Food and snacks. Class money.

What evidence to we have to provide on how the money has been spent?

Schools will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families.  New measures will be included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of those deprived pupils covered by the Pupil Premium.

How will outcomes be monitored, evaluated and reviewed?

  • IEP targets
  • Staff meetings
  • Assessment documentation
  • Progress data
  • Annual Reviews / Reports

How much is allocated per pupil?

For the financial year 2021/22 the level of the premium is £1385.00 per pupil (Reception – Year 6) and £955.00 (Year 7 – Year 11) for those children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). The Service Premium is £320.00 for those children whose parents are in the forces.

Pupil Premium Policies and Documents

The following policies and documents are available and can be downloaded below: (to download, right-click on the link and select “Save Link/Target as…”

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2021 – 2022 (April to April) £54,065

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling (including FSM Ever 6)
15 @ £1,345 £20,175
17 KS3/4 @ £955  £16,235
7 Pre LAC @ £2,345 £16,415
Service children 4 x £310  £1,240
Total = £54,065

Activities fundedPurpose of activities and expected outcomesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills

Play Therapy

Music lessons


To develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
Whole School/LAC£6100.00




TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Whole School/LAC£20,000.00
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.Whole School£11,265

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2020 – 2021 (April to April) £43,040

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling (including FSM Ever 6)
11 @ £1,345 £14,795
16 KS3/4 @ £955  £15,280
5 Pre LAC @ £2,345 £11,725
Service children 4 x £310  £1,240
Total = £43,040

Activities fundedPurpose of activities and expected outcomesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills

Play Therapy

Music lessons


To develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
Whole School£6100.00




TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.£6840

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2019 – 2020 (April to April) £31,065

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling (including FSM Ever 6)
12 @ £1,320 £15,840
15 KS3/4 @ £935  £14,025
0 x LAC @ £2,300 £0
Service children 4 x £300  £1,200
Total = £31,065

Activities fundedPurpose of activities and expected outcomesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills

Play Therapy

Music lessons


To develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
Whole School£1000.00




TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.£3,715.00

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2018 – 2019 (April to April) £33,490

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling (including FSM Ever 6)
15 @ £1,320 £19,800
14 KS3/4 @ £935  £13,090
0 x LAC @ £2,300 £0
Service children 2 x £300  £600
Total = £33,490

Activities fundedPurpose of activities and expected outcomesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills

Play Therapy

Music lessons


To develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
Whole School£1000.00




TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.£6,140.00

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2017 – 2018 (April to April)

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling (including FSM Ever 6) £29,095
Pupil Premium Service children (including ever 4) £1,200
Pupil Premium including LAC and Post LAC £1,200
Total = £31,495

Activities fundedPurpose of activities and expected outcomesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills

Play Therapy
Diabetic Snacks
Music lessons


To develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.



TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.All pupils on Pupil Premium that require Speech & Language Therapy.£5,537.00

T/A & SALT top up
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learnersPupils in receipt of LAC funds



Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2016 – 2017 (April to April)

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling £36,190
4 x Service Children Premium of £1,500
LAC and Post LAC £0
Total = £37,690

Activities fundedPurpose of activitiesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills
Music Therapy
Play Therapy
Diabetic Snacks

Extended Services
To develop interpersonal and social skill.
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.


TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.All pupils on Pupil Premium that have require Speech & Language Therapy.£15,000.00


Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2015 – 2016 (April to April)

Our school received Pupil Premium totalling £45760
4 x Service Children Premium of £1200
LAC £3200
Total = £50160

Activities fundedPurpose of activitiesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Life skills
Music Therapy
Play Therapy
Taxis - After School Clubs
Diabetic Snacks

Extended Services
To develop interpersonal and social skill.
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.



TA RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.All pupils on Pupil Premium that have require Speech & Language Therapy.£16,000

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2014 – 2015

In the financial year 2014 – 2015 (April to April) our school received 14 x Primary Pupil Premium @ £1300 = £18200, 22 x Secondary Pupil Premium @ £935 = 20570.

and 1 x Service children premium of £300.00, 7 x LAC @ £1900 = 13300 and £2216 Post LAC adopted children. Total = £54586.

Activities fundedPurpose of activitiesTargeted pupilsFunding £
T/A RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills.
Middle years£30,000
Speech & Language TherapySpeech and Language therapy Assistant to deliver speech and language programmes.All pupils on Pupil Premium that have Speech & Language Therapy.£21,000
Life skills
Music Therapy
Horse Riding
Taxis – After School Clubs
Diabetic Snacks
To develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
Middle / Seniors£3486.00

Pupil Premium Funding Financial Year 2013 – 2014

In the financial year 2013 – 2014 (April to April) our school received 34 x Pupil Premium Funding   (34 Pupils @ £900.00 per pupil) = £30,600.

Plus 1 x Service children premium of £300.00.

Activities fundedPurpose of activitiesTargeted pupilsFunding £
Residential Board & Lodging.To provide a context for learning and an invaluable opportunity for the key elements of the curriculum to be emphasised, learnt, shared and enjoyed.

Improved outcomes in motivation, personal development and behaviour.
Diabetic Snacks/Foods.To enable pupil affected to have the same choices as others.Middle£287.00
Extended ServicesTo develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
To enable pupils to have choice and control through decision making.
To help reduce barriers through inclusive participation.
To increase pupils’ self awareness, awareness of others and how to relate to others.

Life SkillsTo develop interpersonal and social skills,
To help facilitate positive changes in pupil behaviour and attitude.
To raise motivation, self-esteem and create more effective learners.
To enable pupils to have choice and control through decision making.
To help reduce barriers through inclusive participation.
To increase pupils’ self awareness, awareness of others and how to relate to others.

Music ClubTo provide a different context for learning and an invaluable opportunity for the key elements of the curriculum to be emphasised, learnt, shared & enjoyed.Juniors£210.00
T/A RecruitmentTo support access to the curriculum.
To narrow the gap between individual children and their peers.
To encourage interaction.
To enable participation in activities beyond the school environment.
To maintain levels of physical skills.