At Beaucroft, pupils experience and take part in Religious Education activities linked to festivals and events throughout the year.
Pupils gather information from different sources, sharing views and listening to discussions.
Whole school events
Pupils have a more hands on approach to different religions celebrated throughout the year. These are planned as whole school events for the children to take part and experience the celebration at their own level through lots of sensory experiences.
Our school approach allows the children to explore and experience different faiths in their own way through a visual, tactile, auditory and kinaesthetic way.
During November we celebrate Diwali, with activities including: making Indian pizzas, tasting Indian foods, rangoli patterns, dressing up, decorating biscuits, making Diwali lanterns and diva pots, smelling spices and herbs of India, painting with paints and spices and listening to Indian music.
In December, we celebrate a Christian Christmas experience, with activities including: making angels, role play with dolls/cot (in a stable), making sheep, shepherd role play/dressing up, looking through kaleidoscopes, making telescopes, finding stars in a black out tent using a torch, making crowns, dressing up as the three kings, decorating star biscuits, painting stars, making a Christingle, Nativity scene, tasting Christmas delights and smelling Christmas scents.
Our Christian Easter experience follows the Easter Story with activities involving: waving palm leaves (Palm Sunday), washing feet and tasting breads/fruits (Last Supper), smelling flowers and different plants (Garden of Gethsemane), smelling roses (Crucifixion), lighting a candle and experiencing the tomb (Risen Christ).