
Jaz has created a new maths video – ordering numbers and quantities to 5

Jaz has created some new Maths activities which you can try at home:

  • Guess where the apple is hiding? Can you find the hidden apple and take a bite?
  • A 2D shape treasure hunt – Have a look around your home. What 2D shapes can you find?

Jaz Has created some fun Maths activities which you can try at home 🙂

  • Create a checklist and tally for things you can find in the garden.
  • Find a selection of objects with similar colours in your house or garden, and see what repeating patterns you can make.
  • My Special Number task: Find the correct number of objects relating to the number

Maths at Home

Paula Preece has created some fun maths activities you can try at home, using regular household items.

Can you spot what has been removed from the tray?