Mission Statement
Beaucroft is keenly focused on creating an environment that challenges its children/young people with high expectations. The school is in the privileged position of being able to acknowledge and respond sensitively to the needs of individuals and their varying circumstances, stages of development and abilities.
Our aims are to promote a caring and happy community in which all children/young people can thrive and feel valued, and to meet academic, physical, emotional, and social needs. We strive to make learning a pleasurable experience, whilst offering an opportunity for all children/young people to develop as high a standard of achievement as individually possible and equipping them with the basic skills to support lifelong learning.
Our class sizes remain small in comparison to mainstream schools and the school enjoys an enhanced pupil/teacher ratio. Our teaching and learning staff are a team of talented and highly motivated professionals who have a wealth of experience coupled with a genuine empathy for pupils with learning difficulties.
Current Ofsted rating
Outstanding: 2009, 2013, 2018
School Location
- Beaucroft is a day special school for pupils aged 4-19.
- We welcome pupils from a wide geographical area and support a comprehensive range of special educational needs.
- Beaucroft Main Provision is located in Colehill, Wimborne, and caters for pupils with a wide range of learning difficulties and associated complex needs.
- As a school we uphold the rights of our pupils’ individuality to be seen first, not the level of their learning difficulty.
What is your standard admissions number?
Beaucroft School and Post 16 Provision currently 165 spaces (NOR 168)
What is our admission criteria?
- All pupils must have a Statement of Special Educational Needs /Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- Admissions may be made at any time during the school year but the majority takes place in September.
- All admissions are made in accordance with the current legislation relating to pupils with special needs.
- The East Locality Education and early years SEND team manager (our Local Authority) administer all admissions, 01305 221372.
- There are no prescribed place numbers relating to the category of learning difficulty or Key Stage. Places are allocated on vacancies within groups rather than overall vacancies within the school.
- The school has a robust Equality Policy and no child will be discriminated against on grounds of sex, race or religion.
What do we offer in terms of Additional Curriculum/ Extended Provision?
Beaucroft offers a broad, balanced and highly differentiated, personalised curriculum relevant to the special educational needs of the pupils.
Whilst the children receive their entitlement to the subjects of the National Curriculum, a strong emphasis is also placed upon the specialist additional curriculum. e.g. speech and language therapy programmes, use of additional therapeutic methods e.g. play therapy, music therapy, and horse riding
There are opportunities for learning outside the classroom, both on and offsite linked to curriculum subjects and topics.
We are able to offer a wide range of extended services, based at Beaucroft and in partnership with local children and youth services. All children aged 5-19 are able to take part in after school provision. The provision runs weekly during term time and offers various sessions during the school holidays.
What is the school’s policy for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils?
Please refer to our Assessment Policy for further information.
What is the purpose of assessment, recording and reporting in our School?
The core purpose of assessment in our school is to support and plan for the holistic development of the children and young people in our care.
To achieve excellence in assessment we subscribe to the following principles:
- Assessment will address holistic development and change including Independence, Communication, Social and Emotional, Sensory and Physical and Cognition including subject specific learning.
- Assessment will recognise that different groups of students have different trajectories in development, according to their needs.
- Assessment will provide a baseline from which to measure progress and data to track progress along planned pathways.
- Assessment will lead to appropriate accreditation for our pupils and enable them to develop skills to go into the wider community and prepare for the next phase of learning and training.
- Assessment will be informed by the voice of the parents, carers and pupils who are key participants in planning for holistic outcomes.
- We welcome the principles embodied in the new Education, Health and Care plans of linking short-step targets to longer term planned outcomes.
- We welcome the opportunity for multi-agency and therapeutic inputs as part of our target setting and assessment practice.
- Reflection is at the heart of our assessment practice. Assessment will enable us to follow the progress of each pupil closely and to judge when interventions are required, or where adaptations or modifications are required in the teaching and learning experienced by the pupil.
- Moderation within our school is an essential tool to ensure rigour of assessment and continuous growth and challenge in our assessment practice.
What evidence do we keep to track progress?
- Learning and Progress Files
- Portfolios of Work
- Completion of the Foundation Stage Profile at the end of the Reception Year
- Early Years Foundation Stage are assessed against The Early Years Foundation Stage Assessment Document /Development Matters
- Early Years Learning Journals
- Connecting Steps- Engagement Steps, Progression Steps, Adult Curriculum and Steps4life.
- Evisense – Photo, Video and Observational Evidence
- Target folders
- Pupils work – Termly Literacy and Numeracy Moderation
- End of Key Stage Tests and Tasks
- Records of significant pupil responses to learning experiences on response sheets
A range of External Accreditation schemes (see External Accreditation Policy)
What is the school’s approach for teaching pupils with SEND?
Each pupil drives the direction of their own ‘curriculum’. Whilst there may be whole school or department ‘topics’, the planning, learning and delivery may vary between classes. Priorities based upon EHCP outcomes, pupils’ age, need, motivation and learning style will help to build the curriculum. In addition to this reference is made to ‘Preparing for Adulthood’.
What is the Intent of our Curriculum offer?
- To provide a curriculum which meets the individual needs of our pupils.
- To provide motivating and relevant learning and development activities to maximise pupil engagement and support outstanding individual progress.
- To provide a curriculum which is enriching and challenging, where pupils experience the opportunity to learn in a wide range of contexts.
- To provide a curriculum which develops the five key areas of learning: Communication, SEMH, Independence, Cognition and Learning and Physical and Sensory.
- To provide a curriculum which prepares pupils for the next stage of their education, employment, or training.
- To provide a curriculum which effectively promotes pupils’ holistic development, enhances their self-esteem, and enables them to celebrate and feel pride in the acquisition of new skills and achievements.
- To provide a learning rich environment within which each pupil can reach their full potential.
How do we implement our Curriculum offer?
- Different curriculum models – Pre-Formal, Semi-Formal, Formal and Nurture.
- Topic based approach providing stimulating learning experiences. The same overall topic is covered by all curriculum models ensuring that classes can use a variety of approaches to support individualisation and accessibility.
- Links to Individual EHCP’s and outcomes specifically in the five key areas of learning – Communication, SEMH, Independence, Cognition and Learning and Physical and Sensory.
- Varied and frequent use of the local and extended community, giving the pupils opportunities to transfer knowledge, skills, and concepts into real life settings.
- Use of therapies including SaLT, OT, physio, play therapy and music therapy.
- Differentiated group and individual lessons and resources.
- Learning beyond the classroom – contextualised trips and visits, exploring the community, residential outings, and parent/carer liaison.
- Total communication approach including PECS, symbols, signalong, AAC and intensive interaction.
- Personalised learning including assessment learning journey, EHCP’s, annual reviews, individual targets, and outcomes.
- Therapeutic approach to behaviour management (Dorset STEPS) including Behaviour support policy, individual roots and fruits and individual risk management plans.
What is the impact of our curriculum offer?
- Pupils are motivated and engaged and display positive attitudes to their learning.
- Individual pupils achieve the best possible outcomes.
- Pupils are readily prepared for the next stage of education, employment or training including transitions at Year 11 and Year 14.
- Pupils achieve relevant accreditation and qualifications to continue to their learning journey into adult life.
- Pupils successfully transition between school phases and build upon prior learning.
- Pupils leave with maximised communication, confidence, self-help, and independent life and living skills.
In addition to this we plan for and deliver intervention programmes.
We identify target groups of pupils within departments who would benefit from additional intervention over and above quality first teaching and also extending and responding to individual strengths.
Aims of intervention programmes:
- To raise standards
- To further improve achievement
- To actively seek to address and overcome barriers to learning
- To provide appropriate access to all aspects of the National Curriculum through a personalised approach to learning
- To develop the full potential of every individual pupil
- To narrow the attainment gap between the highest and lowest performing pupils nationally
- To work in partnership with parents/carers
- Improvements in speaking, listening, reading, writing , spelling and maths
- Extending and responding to individual strengths e.g. GCSE / Entry Level Qualifications
- Improved memory skills
- Improved concentration
- Positive attitudes to learning
- Increased self esteem
- Learnt knowledge, skills and understanding are applied in all areas of the curriculum
The selection is based on the identification of our most vulnerable pupils who are not achieving as well as their peers relative to their starting points or those pupils who we need to extend further. Identification has been through one or a combination of:
- analysis of progress and attainment – Engagement Profile/Connecting Steps – Early Steps, Engagement Steps, Progression Steps, Steps4life/ Salford Reading Test results
- issues/concerns raised by the class teacher, parent/carers
- recommendations made by outside agencies
- recommendations made through Annual Reviews/Person Centred Reviews
Programmes followed at Beaucroft:
- Personalised additional support in English and Maths
- Speech and Language Therapy from the Beaucroft Team
- Other Therapeutic programmes – e.g. music therapy, play therapy
- Learn to Move – Move to Learn
- Wake and Shake
- Weekly senior options including Yoga, Film Club (Kidscameraaction), drama, cooking, sailing, holistic therapy beds.
- Inclusion collaboration with local schools including QE, Canford and Bryanston.
- Forest School
What is the support available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND?
Beaucroft works in partnership with the Learning Disabilities Team; supporting in developing and delivering self -esteem and social skills programmes.
What equipment & facilities do you offer to support pupils with SEND?
Swimming pool, IT provision – AAC Devices, gym, outdoor teaching areas, food technology room, sports/playing field, outside interactive/sensory areas, sensory rooms, 5 minibuses to generalize skills learnt in the classroom into the community, Separate Post 16 facility, dedicated play areas.
How does the school work in partnership with parents/carers?
At Beaucroft we believe that we can best meet the needs of individual children by working closely with parents/carers. We believe that good communication between the school and the home is essential. We aim to develop an effective and sustainable long-term partnership. We believe that an informed and supportive parent body will help raise standards and help children achieve their full potential.
We aim to develop partnerships between parents/carers and staff which are based on mutual trust and respect and which promote the sharing of information and knowledge for the benefit of the children in our care.
We aim to work together collaboratively, with a shared agenda and common sense of purpose in order to improve outcomes for all children.
Effective communications enable us to share our aims and values through keeping parents/carers well informed about school life. This reinforces the crucial role that parents/carers play in supporting the school in educating their children.
We communicate through a range of different strategies. Some of our communications are a result of a statutory requirement, others reflect what we believe is important to our school.
Before Starting at Beaucroft
We will:
- ensure that there is a clear and effective system of communication between school and parents/carers when arranging a visit to the
- arrange a meeting with parents/carers before their child’s admission, to discuss and finalise transition arrangements and to inform them about policies and procedures
- make every effort to ensure that information for parents/carers is made accessible to them e.g. Welcome Pack, Policies, website
- ensure that any consent forms/agreements are
- ensure that the required contact information is kept up to
- establish, where appropriate, the name of a child’s legal
- keep an up-to-date record of any particular requirements/ needs of children. These records must be kept
- ensure that arrangements for the children’s arrival and collection are clear, and understood by all staff and parents/carers.
- establish a system in which only authorised adults can collect children, and create a plan that can be used in an emergency when the recognised adult cannot collect a child.
- ensure that information about children is treated as confidential, is held securely and is only shared with parents/carers and relevant
- we encourage parents/carers to contact the school if any issues arise regarding their child’s progress or well-being.
- ensure that all staff, volunteers and students understand that information held on children and their families is
Sharing Information
Home-School Agreement
We ask parents to sign the agreement when their child starts in our school. It explains the school’s aims and values, the school’s responsibility towards the children, the responsibilities of the parents, and what the school expects of the children.
Curriculum Updates
Parents/carers can access information through the school website. Phases also send out regular newsletters to parents/carers about what is happening in their child’s class or phase.
Annual Reports
Each year, in the summer term, we provide a written report to parents/carers on each child’s progress in the various areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, MSI (Multi-Sensory Impaired) Curriculum, National Curriculum and Post 16 curriculum subjects. This report also identifies areas of strength and areas for further development. We ask parents/carers to make comments regarding their child’s progress.
Consultation/Working in Partnership Evenings
Parents/Carers have the opportunity to meet with class teachers in the autumn, spring and summer term to discuss progress, celebrate successes, and to identify how parents/carers can support their child at home. Parents are able to look at their child’s work and Records of Achievement/Progress Files during these meetings.
Annual Review of Statement/EHCP
This is a discussion to determine whether or not the Statement of Special Educational Need/EHCP should be maintained and remains appropriate. The pupil’s progress against educational targets and outcomes is the principal criterion, which determines this and provides the basis for discussion about the provision required to meet the individual’s needs.
Parents are advised about visits/outings by newsletters/letters and are informed about the purpose of the visit.
Day to Day Contact
We encourage parents/carers to first discuss any concerns or issues about their children with the class teacher. The class teacher must discuss any issues that cannot be resolved with the Phase Leader. Parents can make contact via the home-school book or by telephone before and after school.
Home –School Liaison Book
This is sent home on a daily basis. These are designed to help ensure meaningful two-way communication about the day’s events, behaviours, home learning etc. Comments should be positive as far as possible and the class teachers determine the frequency of completion.
We encourage parents to attend coffee mornings, open days, performances and festivals to celebrate the good work of the children.
Parent Voice
At Beaucroft we encourage parents to have a voice. This is achieved through:
- Steering Groups which have parent representation e.g. Healthy Schools, Anti- Bullying Policy
- Annual Reviews of Statement/EHCP
- Parent Consultations
- Home -School Liaison book
- Parent questionnaires
- Parent representation on the Governing Body
- Comments regarding school improvement can be forwarded to the school office and these will be forwarded to the Senior Management Team for
- Parent Coffee Mornings led by Family Support Worker
- New Parents Groups
- Home Visits as appropriate including the outreach team /or Parent Support Worker where appropriate
What is the school’s Accessibility policy?
Valuing diversity is central to achieving the overall aim of Beaucroft School and fully supports the spirit of our mission statement. At Beaucroft we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all those receiving services from the school. We recognise and welcome the proactive nature of the duty to promote disability equality and aim to further develop our culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life. We are therefore committed to making reasonable adjustments to ensure that the school environment is as accessible as possible. In addition, all pupils have an entitlement to access a curriculum that is appropriate and differentiated to meet their needs.
At Beaucroft we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here.
How do the governing body involve other agencies to meet the needs of pupils with SEND?
At Beaucroft we are committed to working in partnership with a range of external agencies-
e.g. Health, Social Care
All agencies are encouraged to attend Annual Reviews and Person Centred Reviews.
What are the school’s arrangements for pupils with SEND transferring between education providers or preparing for adulthood and independent living?
- Preparation for leaving school officially starts at Transitional Reviews. Transition plans drawn up subsequent to the Review discussion form the focus for future steps to be taken. Students and parents/carers have access to Impartial Advice and Guidance as part of the preparation for transition.
- Students can move onto to Further Education, employment with training, or remain at Beaucroft within the Post 16 department.
- Beaucroft works closely with our Connexions Advisor
- Fulltime college links with local colleges (Kingston Maurwood, Poole and Brockenhurst).
- Established work experience programme.
What arrangements are there for training staff in relation to children and young people with SEND and how do you secure specialist expertise?
- Robust induction programme of training.
- In house and external training e.g. Signalong , Manual Handling , First Aid, PECS Medical Needs – training led by Specialists
- Opportunity to visit other specialist provision
- Appraisal system to support the professional development of both teachers and teaching assistants.
What and Who are the key points of contact?
- School Website – www.beaucroft.dorset.sch.uk
- Telephone – 01202 886083
What future plans do your school have for developing its SEND provision?
- Development of nursery provision
- Improved access to vocational learning opportunities
- Post 19 Provision
Services to support parents and carers of young people with SEND
At Beaucroft, we offer the service of Family Support Advisers, Mandy Guy and Catherine Ephgrave, who organise regular events for parents but can also be contacted directly.
Within Dorset parents can be supported by the Dorset Parent Carer Council and by SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service)
- Dorset Parent Carer Council website – www.dorsetparentcarercouncil.co.uk
- SENDIASS information – https://www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/parent-partnership-service
The Local Authority’s offer to pupils with SEND
Information on all matters relating to children and young people with SEND is published by the Local Authority through the Family Information Directory. This can be accessed at: