On Wednesday this week, Lulworth class loaded up the minibus and went off on our adventures to Avon Tyrrell Activity Centre.
On arrival we parked outside our lodge, then went off to do the zip wire that was 30ft high and 60ft along. We split into 2 groups.
The first group did the zip wire, the second group watched and supported their friends very well. Then we had our lunch and a play in the woods. After lunch the two groups swapped over. I am pleased to say that 8 out of our 9 children managed to complete the zip wire. But everyone made the staff very proud by at least attempting to take part. Some of the students couldn’t do it on the first attempt, but after thinking about it and watching their friends take part, they built up the courage to do it and were so pleased with themselves when they achieved it. We are very proud of them all.
Then we went to our lodge to make our beds, unpack, chill in front of the TV and had some pizza, garlic bread and cake.
We had a quick play in the park, before glasses of milk and getting ready for bed.
After a restless nights sleep, we had showers, made our breakfasts, packed our suitcases, loaded up the minibus and set off for Longdown Farm. Some of the students fell asleep on the way.
At the farm we fed baby calves, held baby chicks and guinea pigs, saw lots of animals, had lunch and an ice cream, played in the park and visited the shop to buy a little something with our spending money.
We then returned to school in time to go home and see our families.