The Aims of the School are:
- To encourage a support culture amongst pupils and all who work in school in their approach toward common and individual goals.
- To provide the best possible learning environment so that each pupil may realise his/her full potential.
- To respond to the pupil’s individual needs as outlined in their statement of special educational needs.
- To enhance the self esteem of pupils by creating opportunities for success.
- To give pupils respect and show that they are valued.
- To give all pupils access to the National Curriculum in ways appropriate to their abilities and age.
- To extend curricular activities by providing a variety or learning experiences by exploring the wider community through residentials; visits; community work; work experience; college links and links with other schools.
- To give pupils the opportunity to make choices.
- To provide consistency and stability during school time.
- To prepare students for appropriate post 16 opportunities and encourage livelong learning.