Beaucroft Spring Term 2021 Remote Learning Offer:
All pupils can continue to access their learning whilst not in school. How this looks can vary across different classes and departments depending on the different pupils’ ability to engage. Support is agreed between class teachers and parents / carers on an individual basis.
Pupils can access their learning through a variety of sources including written tasks and where possible live lessons via Teams either as part of a group or individually.
The Teams sessions can vary from a daily shared snack session or a story through to more formal, whole group, literacy and numeracy sessions.
Pupils are encouraged to share their learning in the form of photos, videos or completed work.
Home learning packs will be provided and sent home either weekly or fortnightly and will link closely to the intended curriculum plan for the term and link to individual outcomes as stated in EHCP’s. Senior pupils following accredited courses will continue to have access to lessons and resources to enable them to meet objectives as outlined in their course’s specifications.
Some of our pupils may struggle to engage with home learning so our focus for these pupils is to supply them with activities that they are familiar with in school and can do with ease even in the home environment. Our aim is for parents/carers to encourage paper based and/or online work tasks supplied by the class team.
The staff at Beaucroft appreciate that the engagement of learning will look different at home to how it is in school. Teachers and staff can recommend methods of motivating pupils and meeting your child’s preferred learning style.
Staff will be in regular contact with parents either through Teams, email or telephone calls to offer support and guidance.
Below are examples of timetables from across the school: